Friday, December 31, 2010

2 Corinthians 8

v. 12 ...And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.  Hence, when I give...service, time, relationally, gifts must come from what I have...not from what I don't have and not from what another has.   

We can only give from what we do have.  Another way, you can't give what you don't have.  So, be free with what you have (remember, it came from Him anyway), and don't be concerned with what you don't have.  God already knows what you have and don't have.  He is not wigged out about what you don't have, nor should you be.

v. 21  We are careful to be honorable before the Lord, but we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable.

This speaks to me of the extra measure of accountability we should have in our lives as believers.  We strive for being honorable and respectable before God (and praise His name, He knows what we mean); but to have that concern to be transparently honorable in front of others.  This is not to impress nor indict others; but to continue in the good confession of faith.  Being consistently honorable is not a light thing.  After all, it is not to mediocrity that He calls us and we should be content to display that attitude in all that we do.

I praise Your very great Name for strength and wisdom for the honorable journey, contentment in the giving from what I have and peace in the working out of the whole process in my life. You are worthy of obedience and obedience yields the peace I seek.

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