Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Leviticus 16

Lord, there was so much to do, so many particulars to accomplish atonement.  I praise You  for Jesus and His complete and completed work.  What mercy!  In thinking about all that was involved with the atonement, from the bathing, the dressing, the sacrifices, the dipping, etc.  God, it was so much and so very specific...it almost seems too much.  But what it did was worth it.  And atonement is a very particular work.  No hedging, not compromise, no substitutions were allowed as that would not meet the requirement.  That was the point.  The compromises, the short-shifting had already happened - it was the sin.  You can't atone for something with an inferior atonement.  I praise You that You made known the standard of holiness and kept to it.  I praise You further that You published the standard of atonement and upheld it, also.  You are Unchanging, Eternal and Omnipotent.  Only You could could do such a thing.  Only You would bring us a Messiah to be our Atonement.  I praise You for Your Eternal Consistency.


  1. Wow I love this idea of your blog. Hi I'm Monica, I was wandering and came across your blog. I love it.

  2. Hi Monica, Thank you so very much for your gracious words. They are so sweet, I wasn't sure how to respond...I apologize for not answering you sooner. =}
