Saturday, September 3, 2011

Exodus 39

... just as the LORD had commanded, this they had done.

Lord, the list of what-to-do boggles my mind; but You gave what they needed that it might be said of them "they did as the Lord commanded."  Every assignment was completed.  Every detail was carried out.  Help me to look to You in every decision, every detail, every choice I have that I may receive what You have for me in that instant, that it may be said of me "she did as the Lord commanded." 

God, what pleasure must have been experienced in performing this work - hard work; but obedience.  What delight they must have had when Moses gave the thumbs up on the project.  Then to have been able to participate in relationship with You as a direct result of the work of their hands and offerings.  And this is after the golden-calf incident.  They could not deny that Your desire was to be among them.  Even when they preferred to have Your word secondhand.  Wow.  May I serve You with pleasure, delight and joy, knowing that Your presence is with me.

Father, I don't know what the colors blue, purple and scarlet really signify; but they remind me of the blue sky that the recent slaves now viewed with free eyes - liberty and Your ever-present Authority; the purple of royalty - You, the undisputed King; and sacred blood's scarlet color which washed our sins white and the life that is in the blood.  Colors of Your Kingdom. Freedom, Holy Presence and Faithfulness, Divinely-Glorious Majesty, Sacrifice, Redemption and Life... I praise You for the qualities of Your Kingdom.

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