Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Exodus 13

When in the future your child asks you, “What does this mean?” you shall answer, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out ... from the house of slavery."

How do I tell my children about the strength of the Lord's hand which delivered me from the house of slavery?  Where am I intentional in sharing God's story of my life to those who would not know?  Which rescues am I hoarding in the library of my heart?  Why?  

Father God, please help me to answer questions with "by the strength of the Lord's hand, He brought me out from the house of slavery to _____ ."  May I give You glory, may I bring You glory and may I see Your glory.  I praise You that You redeem Your children.  That redemption is a priority with You and a recurring theme in Your story.  I am in awe of Your work and the strength of Your very strong hand.

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