Sunday, June 19, 2011

Genesis 13

Abram trusts God.  When Abram leaves the choice up to Lot, Abram trusts God.  I imagine that Abe anticipated the sort of choice that Lot would make; but he, in quiet grace, received the deal that Lot struck...despite the promises that God had made to him.  Abe did not manipulate the situation to ensure that he would get what God said.  

In Abe, I see a contentedness with the God-provision, a God-confidence in (business and personal) decisions, and a God-honoring humility which trusts and waits. 

Lord, I want to be content; but I am easily distracted by the shineys of the marketplace and the opportunities of world's offerings .  Help me to rest, fully sated in You and Your grace for me.  I know, I really know that You are more than enough for me; let me live fully and revel in that God-satisfaction.  Holy Spirit, I praise You for Your direction and wisdom for me.  I pray that I would walk, talk and thrive in You so my God-assurance would be evident to all.  Please cultivate in me godly humility.  I want to bring praise to Your Name; but I can become impatient which leads to doubts and making decisions based on my self-will.  We know what a bad idea that is!  Please grow my faith, my trust and my belief that I may walk in increasing humility before You.

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