Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Job 4

"Is not your fear of God your confidence,
         And the integrity of your ways your hope?"

Eliphaz's words almost sound right.  Shouldn't I have assurance when I reverence God?  When I walk in blameless ways, shouldn't I be hopeful?  I recognize that Job was operating with sacrifices; but God must still be the faithful One to receive Job's offering, to be satisfied with Job's oblation and to not change the "rules."  God's integrity is what gives hope, God's constancy is where confidence is discovered.

The problem with the Temanite counsel is the confidence and hope are based on me and what I do.  That is never the answer.  My hope comes from God and God alone.  My confidence is from God and Him alone.  I am so grateful that God does not base anything on me and my ability to accomplish or achieve.

I praise You Father for Your wisdom, You know how frail and prone to wander I am.  I praise You that You are not fickle.  I thank You for Your grace in establishing the Covenant and fulfilling the Covenant and including me in the Covenant.  Your grace, Your mercies, Your wisdom, Your power, Your steadfastness, Your honor, Your Name ... You are where I find my hope and my confidence.  You and You alone.


  1. God bless you always as you continue your walk with Him... :)


  2. Thank you, Larry. May God continue to enrich your spirit with His love and may you receive all He has for you, as well.
