Thursday, March 24, 2011

1 John 4

... because as He is, so also are we in this world.  (NASB and ESV)
... because we live like Jesus here in this world.  (NLT)
... In this world we are like Jesus.  (NIV)

How am I like Jesus? 

How does the world make the connection to Jesus from my life?

Jesus, I want to live like You in this world.  So much of what You had to do and what You experienced are not part of my life; but that does not mean that the qualities You displayed, the love You gave, the sacrifices you offered ... the 'how You lived' is not withheld from me. I can choose to devote myself to God and His Word, I can daily lay my life and my preferences/comforts down that others may come to the Kingdom.  I can join my spiritual siblings in living a life worthy of Your life ... if I choose to.  Please help me to daily, hourly, even by the minute choose Your life for mine.  You are my Inspiration. 

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