He asked life from You, and You gave it to him— … His glory is great in Your salvation … For the king trusts in the Lord, and through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved.
Lord, Giver of life, salvation, mercy … You give and we respond. You first give that we may respond. The glory of our lives is response to Your salvation. Your faithfulness keeps us steady, allows us to trust in faith and also in experience. You initiate the relationship. You respond to us, we respond to You. Real-ationship. Thank You my Lord and my God for seeking me out. And only in Your strength and by Your tender and relentless mercies, I will not be moved.
The king shall have joy in Your strength, O Lord …
Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise Your power.
Teach me new songs that I may ascribe power and authority, strength and majesty to You. This does make me happy. thank You, my Father and Master-Maestro.
Lord, Giver of life, salvation, mercy … You give and we respond. You first give that we may respond. The glory of our lives is response to Your salvation. Your faithfulness keeps us steady, allows us to trust in faith and also in experience. You initiate the relationship. You respond to us, we respond to You. Real-ationship. Thank You my Lord and my God for seeking me out. And only in Your strength and by Your tender and relentless mercies, I will not be moved.
Teach me new songs that I may ascribe power and authority, strength and majesty to You. This does make me happy. thank You, my Father and Master-Maestro.