Friday, August 24, 2012

Psalm 113

I wonder when this was written…during or just after difficulties or at the climax of prosperity? Lord, this Word says for me, Your servant, to praise You and bless You…for You are high above the nations and Your glory is higher than the heavens. Because You are You. Not because of what You do for me or others, not because Who You are implies certain wonderfully kind actions; but You. I want to praise You and bless You so consistently throughout my days that the circumstances matter not; but I keep getting caught in the frivolities of life. Lord, I don’t really desire that – yet I subscribe to that relentlessly. Help me, please to discern between where You are/what You are doing and the vain indulgences which make up American life. God, I am tired of being moved along by headlines, bylines and sidelines. By worthless chatter and things that don’t enrich or edify Your Kingdom. God, help me. It feels like I, the land dweller, am trying to learn how to breathe underwater. I know it won’t kill me to do what You’ve called me to do; but I am mindlessly addicted and hopelessly conditioned to breathing air…I want Your Living Water to flood my mind, my soul, my life. I want to breathe You, that I may breathe out You. Let me gulp You down in big choking gasps which will save my life today. Let me not sip, daintily, safely, or even experimentally of Your gracious provision. I want to be filled that I might slosh Your grace, Your hope, Your peace, Your gospel on others through my whole, entire life. Help me. Thank You. I praise You and bless Your Holy and Generous Name. You are my HOPE. My God. Let all that is within me be bathed in Your Living Water. Bless the Lord!

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