When you go to war, your people will serve you willingly.
Lord, something about the ‘serve You willingly’ hits me today. Am I in Your service ready? Do I always preferably follow You, obey You, choose You? No. I am not always willing. I am often willful. My will, not Thine. Thank You that You have paid for this; but please let me walk in Your provision of delighting myself in You. Deliberately, eagerly, gladly, freely, willingly, lovingly, volitionally and wholeheartedly prepared to be about serving You. Today. Wherever You go, I want to follow. Closely. Willingly. Holding nothing back or up.
Lord, something about the ‘serve You willingly’ hits me today. Am I in Your service ready? Do I always preferably follow You, obey You, choose You? No. I am not always willing. I am often willful. My will, not Thine. Thank You that You have paid for this; but please let me walk in Your provision of delighting myself in You. Deliberately, eagerly, gladly, freely, willingly, lovingly, volitionally and wholeheartedly prepared to be about serving You. Today. Wherever You go, I want to follow. Closely. Willingly. Holding nothing back or up.