Thursday, June 14, 2012

Psalm 42

My heart is breaking as i remember how it used to be. … Now I am deeply discouraged; but I will remember You.

Lord, I praise You for the good times and the closeness I have experienced with You. Please help me not dwell on the past or what I have known – rather, please Holy Spirit, focus my thoughts, my hopes, my heart and my praise on You. On the Who not the what or how or when. Let me not bring about my own discouragement nor another’s by making the past the standard. I welcome each day with You, each new experience, even when it is either harder than I would prefer or when it is not as delightful as I would like. I want to desire You and respond to You in the way You magnificently crafted me to – I must not look to the temporal, the physical nor my expectations. I trust You with each revelation of Your Presence, Your Glory and Your plan. Abbi-Daddy, You know best.

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